It is dedicated to Roy Lichtenstein, genius of American Pop Art, a retrospective exhibition at Magnani-Rocca Foundation, called Villa dei Capolavori, located in Mamiano di Traversetolo (Parma-Italy) from 8 September to 9 December 2018.
The exhibition, curated by Mr Walter Guadagnini and Mr Stefano Roffi, will bring together more than eighty masterpieces and other protagonists of Pop Art (from Warhol to Ramos, from D'Arcangelo to Wesselmann, from Rosenquist to Indiana).
The American top artist Roy Lichtenstein has influenced graphic designers, designers, advertisers and other contemporary artists, so much so that even today it is possible to find references to his style in every area of design and communication.
His special style borrowed from the typographic net, his use of comics in painting, his reinterpretations of the art of the distant and recent past have entered not only in the history of twentieth century art, but also in the collective imagination of new generations, printed endlessly on posters and consumer items.
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